Friday, January 29, 2010

Isn't it ironic

The day I post about Miss H's silly crawling, she crawls for real.  It was OH SO CUTE, just like this face.

To crawl or not to crawl...that is the question

This sweet little thing can't decide if she wants to crawl.  She's up then she's down, she's on her toes then her elbows.  She has the strength in her arms and can get on her knees but can't quite put it all together just yet.  It's so fun to watch her try to figure things out!

Teeth shot, can you see them?

Why God Made Moms

I got an email from my Mama that had some questions answered by 1st graders.  I was so stinkin' cute, so I asked Little E and Mr. BD a few questions about moms and wrote them down word for word...

Why did God make mothers?
Mr. BD - to take care of us
Little E - because they are girls

How did God make mothers?
Mr. BD - with his powers
Little E - a robot (huh?)

What ingredients are mothers made of?
Mr. BD - meat, skin, bones and blood
Little E - a baby

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mother?
Mr. BD - cause he though you were perfect for me
Little E - because you love Mr. BD

What kind of little girl was your mom?
Mr. BD - a great little girl
Little E - I don't know

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
Mr. BD - what he drinks, like not alcohol and stuff like that and you don't want him to get a tatoo
Little E - I don't know

Why did your mom marry your dad?
Mr. BD - cause you thought he was cute and hot and he was perfect for you
Little E - because she's a princess

Who's the boss at your house?
Mr. BD - dad and you
Little E - Me

What's the difference between moms and dads?
Mr. BD - moms have long hair and dads have short hair and they talk different ways, daddy talks low and mom talks high
Little E - I don't know

What does your mom do in her spare time?
Mr. BD - usually watches TV and relax
Little E - I don't know

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
Mr. BD - a lot of practice
Little E - I don't know

If you coud change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
Mr. BD - um...I would change her to be a mom that would do lots of things for us and want her to make lots of vegetables for us (think he was trying to earn mama points with this one)
Little E - I don't know

K, so maybe Little E is still to young to understand yet, but the answers she did give were pretty cute!  Outta the mouths of babes, I LOVE IT!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Month 8

This little girl is growing and growing! A lot has happened this month,

What's new in the life of Miss H...

plays peekaboo


got her first tooth 1.17.10

crawls, well kinda, we call her the little happy inchworm, she gets up on her arms and pushes with her feet and kinda fall forward, like an inchworm.

got her second tooth 1.21.10

learned to wave bye, bye (she does it when we say nigh night to daddy, so she thinks it means nigh night)

gives kisses

clicks her tounge

Pinewood Derby 2010

Brock had his last Pinewood Derby today (tear), he's growing up.  Next year he'll be a big Boy Scout!  I can't believe how fast he's growing up, before I know it he'll be on his mission, AHHHH?  I know it's just a Pinewood Derby, but it symbolizes so much more to me.  His face is changing, his clothes are getting to small, he's more independent, and he will reason with us!  I'm excited for the things to come, like you always are with your first, but terrified at the same time!  He was so good about the race.  His car didn't do great, I think he got 8th, but he didn't complain one bit.  Just said "well no big deal it was fun", what a big kid thing to say.

I guess they have to grow up.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Twelve down...many more to go

I love this man! Every year he plans our anniversary and never lets me down. This year was just the same.

Because I am still nursing Miss H, I was afraid to go too far. D wanted to go skiing but I couldn't bear to be that far away just yet. So, we left Friday and went to Phoenix for the Suns game. We stayed in a hotel and walked to the game. I love being at the games and in the crowd, too bad they lost.

Saturday we checked out and spent the day shopping, went to see Avatar and got Sprinkles (my fave)! We stayed at a hotel in Scottsdale and went to Jesters, a comedy improv club, that night. It was a good laugh! Sunday we got to sleep in and relax, what mom doesn't need that? It was a great weekend away! Thanks to my Mom and Dad, Niki and Clayton for watching the kiddos so that we could be footloose and fancy free!

It's wonderful to be married to your best friend who you can sit in silence with and it's never awkward. In fact the silence is nice when you have five kiddos.

Thanks honey for being so kind, caring, loving, affectionate, silly, funny, hard working, thoughtful, selfless, understanding, willing, positive, fun, joyful, happy, and perfect for me!

Like I said...

I'm one LUCKY girl!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There's Scooby Doo in my eyes

This little one came to me at 4:30am and said:

E: "Mom I can't sleep there's Scooby Doo in my eyes"

Me: "There's what in your eyes?"

E: "There's Scooby Doo in my eyes, can you get me comfy back in my bed"

This morning at 7:20am I ask:

Me: "E was there Scooby Doo in your eyes last night?"

E: "Yes and it was a mad Scooby Doo and his little dog too"

I guess we won't be watching Scooby Doo in our home any more.

Isn't it funny how a 3 year old perceives a dream/nightmare.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Another year gone by

We took down our Christmas decorations today

I have mixed feelings

Sad that Christmas is already over

Excited to start the New Year, New Adventures, New Memories
We celebrated last night with my family at our house, it's also my sisters birthday, it's fun to all be together. Except for Tam and Jordan, and Clay of course, we missed you guys