Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Box Canyon

We had a really fun Saturday this weekend. We took the family and met up with my brother and sisters and went to Box Canyon to ride quads and shoot shotguns. We had so much fun and the kids have never been so dirty and wet. They loved every minute of eating junk food, riding quads, running around in the water, playing with the mud and shooting shotguns. Thanks everyone for a wonderful day.
Hanging out at camp

The girls and their guns, getting ready for our skeet shooting contest!

Yep... you guessed it, I WON! Anyone want a rematch?

The kids had a blast shooting with Dad

Who gave her a cookie?
The adults
(not really, we just pretend)
The whole group
Kiddos running in the water
(they were shocked when we said go get wet)

Rocked to sleep by the hum of the quad

Driving down the Canyon, isn't it pretty?

Time to get muddy!

Maybe we should have done mud first and then water.

Such a pretty girl

She sure does love her daddy

Tuckered out from too much funCouldn't leave without a souvenirBoy that was fun, lets do it again soon!


Melanie and Jarom said...

Amy I am still DYING to see your house. I always feel like you have to be the busiest one in the world so I never even attempt to hang out with you and then I realized, thats dumb because everyone is busy, but we need to make time, especially with the possibility of me and Jarom leaving in a few months! Anyway, it looks like you guys had a blast and if we don't come see your house before March 1st we'll be there to help Tam and Jordan move in. (I just know Jarom is going to get a real bad case of the "wants" when he sees your house!) haha

once upon a poppy said...

amy i found you again. emily quit her blog so i couldn't find yours but then i remembered the name. your house is beautiful. so are your kiddos!

TJ and LaChae Booth said...

That was really a fun day! We should do that again. But, I am not too sure you should have posted any pictures of that girl in the green- she is seriously huge! Yikes.

Mauzy Fam said...

Yeah! That was fun. Let's make it a tradition.

Kari said...

How fun! Congrats on winning the shooting contest! You take such fun pictures. I love the pictures of the kiddos running into the water stream! A must visit!