5 years ago
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The big number 1
The Little Miss turned one!
At one she:
walks (took her first steps 5.3.10 and was walkin pretty good by her birthday)
says mama, dada, puppy, baba (bottle), baby, braaaa (brock), Niki and Nigh Nigh (Nigh Night)
has 5 teeth
fake laughs
fake cries
throws small fits if you take her away from something or take something away
smiles most of the day
takes two naps
sleeps 12hrs at night
still sucks her thumb on the very rare occation, mostly uses the Na Na
gives hugs
lays her head on my shoulder every night when I sing to her before bed
still in size 4 diapers
wears clothes sized the same as her age (that's a first for us)
We love having such a sweetie in our home, she makes us all laugh and makes life so fun. Looking forward to year # two with you little Miss H!
memories made by
dustin and amy
7:32 PM
Monday, May 24, 2010
Miss H's Party
The little peanut is one. I can hardly believe that it went by so fast. She was so cute at her party, she loved all her gifts and loved having so many people over. We had both sides of the family over for Sunday dinner, cake and homemade ice cream. There were close to 50 people, kinda crazy.
She had two cakes, one for just her to eat and one for everyone else. Her Mumo and Aunt Kid made her little personal one and Costco made the big one. Thanks Mumo and Aunt Kid it was YUMMY!
It sure is tiring being the big O.N.E, she crashed at the end of the night. We are so grateful to have such a supportive family, we love you all!
memories made by
dustin and amy
12:18 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
My Birthday
So I don't normally post about my Birthday, but this was not just any normal Birthday, so I thought it needed to be recorded. Plus I love bragging on my kiddos!
So, D had a conference to go to in Ohio three days before my birthday but assured me he would be home the night before just in time for THE DAY.
Birthdays are a big thing in our family, I mean come on, it was the day you were BORN! The whole reason you are on this earth!
I like to be spoiled on that day and for it to be all about me. In all our married years D has totally gone above and beyond spoiling me. Until the day his plane was delayed and he didn't make it home for my birthday. (tear) (he did send me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries while he was away! Always thoughtful even miles and miles away)
So even though I like to be spoiled on my day I don't really talk about it, I don't tell people that it's my birthday and if they don't remember o'well. So I didn't mention it to my kiddos. BH did say the night before, "man mom, it really stinks that dad's not gonna be home for your birthday."
So I went to bed that night starting to feel a little bit of the flu coming on wondering what tomorrow's gonna bring?
The next morning I was awoken, is that a word?, by the sound of my sweet kids voices singing Happy Birthday with a tray containing our traditional Birthday Breakfast in Bed and homemade birthday cards. They had come through, what a surprise. All on their own, they got up early, made my favorite, peanut butter and syrup on toast (weird, I know) and surprised me. And I LOVED it!
D got home @ about 12 and we went to Kiki and BH's piano recital. Unfortunately I had the stomach flu the whole day and mostly laid in bed though I did venture out to see a movie that evening. Hopefully next year I won't be feeling crummy and D will be in town.
Even though it wasn't the birthday I had envisioned in my mind, the fact that my sweet children thought of me with no prompting from anyone made it the best birthday ever!
memories made by
dustin and amy
11:26 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Arrow of Light
BH got his Arrow of Light along with 10 other boys in his Webelos group. Their leaders were great! He is so excited to become a boy scout. Great job buddy we are pround of you!
memories made by
dustin and amy
8:52 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Mommy Daughter Date
For Kiki's Activity Days they had a Mommy Daughter Date to learn proper etiquette when dinning. It was so cute. They had the cultural hall decorated like an Italian restaurant with Italian music playing and the works! The girls set our place settings to show what they had learned about setting the table. They played games to see how many bad manners could be found. It was a fun activity and I really enjoyed spending one on one time with Keeks! Thanks for a fun date Kiki Lee!
memories made by
dustin and amy
10:47 PM
Kindergarten Program
Mr. BD had his end of the year Kindergarten Program. They were so cute up there singin' their little hearts out. Mr. BD has loved this year, especially his teacher Mrs. Rayburn. He will miss her terribly next year.
memories made by
dustin and amy
9:13 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Women's Conference
Oh Women's Conference, I LOVE IT! This year I got to go with my Mom, sister and SIL. We had so much fun. On the way up we went through a small blizzard, a huge change from what we are use to. Mom was driving and really had white knuckles, but we made it safely. Thanks Mom!
I roomed with Tamra and Mom and LaChae were roomies, we drew straws.
We ate lots of yummy food, Los Hermanos (where all the servers that meet and get married there get a booth named after them), JDawgs (not my fav), The Sweet Tooth Fairy (my FAV) and Smart Cookie (not the real one, it was closed down, but we got the same kinda cookie at Hogi Yogi. YUMMY!).
We were enriched by wonderful people. I learned so much about how to be a better wife and mama. Thank heavens for paper and pen, I'm sure I'll need to check my notes for a reminder now and then!
We enjoyed the beautiful, yet quite chilly, weather. We experienced rain, snow, sleet and hail!
We got the opportunity to serve when one of the classes we wanted to go to re-routed us to the layette cutting room. I couldn't help but think of those sweet babies that would get to wear layettes cut by my hands. Though it wasn't planned I am soooo grateful for the opportunity to serve. And I think maybe in a way it was planned, so I could learn a little something about service.
We were able to go to the Salt Lake Temple and do a session, LOVED IT.
Another Women's Conference come and gone, one I'll never forget. Hope we can do it again next year girls!
memories made by
dustin and amy
11:57 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Am I ready for this...
This little peanut can stand
All by herself...I'm really not ready for this
She's taken about 4 steps and is getting more and more brave
Oh, and she also discovered that the cabinets open and there are fun things to play with inside
Heaven help me
memories made by
dustin and amy
10:19 PM
Let's Play Music
While I was at Women's Conference this weekend Mr. BD had a Let's Play Music concert. I'm so sad I missed it. His Daddy said he did great and they got it on video for me. Mr. BD has a real talent for music and really enjoys it. I'm so excited to see him delevop his talent as he gets older.
Good job buddy, sorry mama missed it.
memories made by
dustin and amy
5:27 PM
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