Thursday, November 29, 2007


I could hardly believe it... My little girl can stand by herself. Not just for one second or two even but for like minutes. She even danced a little. She is quite funny though. The first time I stood her up (which was yesterday) she looked at me, looked at her feet, smiled and then started walking to me (about 3 steps before she fell). Well she didn't like falling all that much so she wouldn't do it again...until...later that same afternoon. I was sitting in a chair and I stood her up and she walked 5 steps to me. Well now she thinks it's a game...I stand her up, move back, and say "come here" she'll stand there forever (it seems) and then smile and drop to her knees and crawl to me. What a silly little miss. We are very excited for the sturdiness that has come into her life and maybe soon she'll get some fire under those little feet and walk.


Kari said...

way to go Embry! Watch out, she'll be into everything now!

Mauzy Fam said...

Yeah!! I can't wait to see that tiny little body walking - it's going to be so cute.

Melanie and Jarom said...

Yes!! Embry good job!!! Now you and Lydi can have races to the dollies!

renhallows said...

AMy, I was wondering if you were still around! Glad to see you back to the blogging world. I missed seeing your lil ones. They are so beautiful! by the need to come play volleyball with us next week.