I could hardly believe it... My little girl can stand by herself. Not just for one second or two even but for like minutes. She even danced a little. She is quite funny though. The first time I stood her up (which was yesterday) she looked at me, looked at her feet, smiled and then started walking to me (about 3 steps before she fell). Well she didn't like falling all that much so she wouldn't do it again...until...later that same afternoon. I was sitting in a chair and I stood her up and she walked 5 steps to me. Well now she thinks it's a game...I stand her up, move back, and say "come here" she'll stand there forever (it seems) and then smile and drop to her knees and crawl to me. What a silly little miss. We are very excited for the sturdiness that has come into her life and maybe soon she'll get some fire under those little feet and walk.
5 years ago
way to go Embry! Watch out, she'll be into everything now!
Yeah!! I can't wait to see that tiny little body walking - it's going to be so cute.
Yes!! Embry good job!!! Now you and Lydi can have races to the dollies!
AMy, I was wondering if you were still around! Glad to see you back to the blogging world. I missed seeing your lil ones. They are so beautiful! by the way...you need to come play volleyball with us next week.
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