Wednesday, February 27, 2008

James and the Giant Peach

I went on a field trip with Brock and his class. We went to a play in sign language, James and the Giant Peach. They had read the book in class, we went to the play and they saw the movie yesterday. They then compared the three. This was my group of rowdy boys.

left to right: Jake, Brock, Josh, Slade, Brandon
Brock and I at the play
After the play we ate lunch at a park near Brock's school and then walked back to the school.
My buddy for the day Thanks for letting mom hang out with you Brock! I had a great time and really enjoyed myself. I hope that you will always think that I'm cool enough to tag along! You are a great son!

Got Mud?

Saturday after the rain that we had a few days before, Brody and Danielle (his cousin) thought it would be great fun to play in the mud. So on went the swimsuits and out to the mud they went!
Brody and Danielle
Mud from head to toe

Pretty Princess

Our little Embry is 15 months old now! I can't believe how the time has flown. I can remember bringing her home from the hospital, like it was yesterday. She is such a happy little girl. She loves to follow her brothers and sister around the house and try to do what they do. She is such a copy cat. Every night during family prayer we tell the kids to sit as still as possible, pay no attention to her, fold their arms and close their eyes. Every night she tries to get some one to pay attention to her and when we don't she sits down and folds her arms (we are still working on the closing her eyes part).

Embry loves: Kenley's dress-up earrings, babies, cookies, Kenley's room, the piano, eating (though you couldn't tell by her size), her dad, giving kisses (if she's in the mood), her brothers and sister (every afternoon when she wakes up from her nap she yells Broooo (Brody), anything sweet, broccoli, singing, dancing, and taking baths.

Things Embry says:
Brooooo (Brody)
Key (Kenley)
geek (drink)
good girl
canck you (thank you)
peas (please)
ba (bath)
nah nah (pacifier)/(nigh-night)
gankie (blankie)
...and the biggie NO

Embry also tries to repeat most of what we ask her to say. Such a big girl! Maybe we can make the next 15 months drag on a little longer, but some how I doubt it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Box Canyon

We had a really fun Saturday this weekend. We took the family and met up with my brother and sisters and went to Box Canyon to ride quads and shoot shotguns. We had so much fun and the kids have never been so dirty and wet. They loved every minute of eating junk food, riding quads, running around in the water, playing with the mud and shooting shotguns. Thanks everyone for a wonderful day.
Hanging out at camp

The girls and their guns, getting ready for our skeet shooting contest!

Yep... you guessed it, I WON! Anyone want a rematch?

The kids had a blast shooting with Dad

Who gave her a cookie?
The adults
(not really, we just pretend)
The whole group
Kiddos running in the water
(they were shocked when we said go get wet)

Rocked to sleep by the hum of the quad

Driving down the Canyon, isn't it pretty?

Time to get muddy!

Maybe we should have done mud first and then water.

Such a pretty girl

She sure does love her daddy

Tuckered out from too much funCouldn't leave without a souvenirBoy that was fun, lets do it again soon!

Ummm...It's really quiet

I was unpacking and I noticed that it had gotten really quiet. Anyone that knows Embry know she is not a quiet child. So I go searching... this is what I found. What a little stinker.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm Green

Take this test!
You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Valentines Day in a Nutshell

The day started off with he younger two going to Aunt Tamra's so Mama could go on a field trip with Kenley. Thank you Tamra for keeping my kiddos most of Valentines Day.

Then off to the field trip to see the Chineese acrobats preform. (Kenley's friend Payton)

It was so much fun spending one on one time with Kenley, when you have four kiddos that doesn't happen very often.

Look at what these guys can do. They were amazing. If you ever get the chance to see one of their shows, I highly reccomend it.

When the kids got home from school Grandma Johnson and Christine brought some presents for all the kids. They were so excited. What lucky kids to have so many people that love them. (Poor little Embry was sleeping)

We couldn't let a Valentines day go by with out our tradition of a box at the door tied to a rope. Dustin leaves the box, hides around the corner with rope in hand and as soon as the kids open the door the box starts to move. It's a great tradition and the kids look forward to it every year even though they know what's going to happen.

Little Broder doesn't quite understand what it means when the doorbell rings on Valentines night.

The older kids grabbed the box and were pretty excited about what was inside. Every year they each get an outfit and a toy. This year they thought mom did pretty good. Brock got a Pokemon Diamond for the DS, Kenley got a lap desk so she can draw in bed, Brody got a transformer (optimus prime?) and Embry got her very first purse (the fisher price kind that sings and tells her when it's open and closed.

This is where little miss was the whole time. Poor little girl! Soon enough she will be running to the door with the others.

Last but not least, Dustin and I got a sitter and went to a concert. Dustin's office sponsored the concert and they gave tickets out to their clients. We got to see Emerson Drive (that's who the pictures are of) and Heart. It was sooo fun. There were some tickets left over so we were able to invite Clayton and Niki to go with us. It was fun to hear some songs from Heart that I knew back in the 80's (oh, I feel old).

Clayton, Niki, Me, Dustin

Emerson Drive

It was busy but full of fun and adventure. Thanks Honey for a great Valentines day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will you be my Valentine?

This is my favorite picture of the two of us! It really shows what we are like. Dustin is so silly, funny, loving, caring, thoughtful, and kind. He makes me laugh at least once a day. I feel so lucky to have spent 11 years with him in my life. What did I do with out him? I don't remeber, didn't laugh as much that's for sure. Dustin you are the greatest! Thank you for so many great times, I can't wait to see what comes next!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

broccoli anyone?

This is my little broccoli girl. The girl loves broccoli. I give her a little tree and she will gobble it up. It should amaze me that a one year old little girl loves broccoli as much as Embry does but her sister was exactly the same way and still loves it and will ask to have it for dinner. I can't complain!

They Crack Me Up!

Thanksgiving weekend, having breakfast at Ihop. Brody was tickling LaChaeLaChae: Brody I'm not ticklishBrody: You're not "tickilish" but I bet you're "lickilish" (and he starts to lick her arm.)

In the parking lot at Dustin's office (Brody sees a handicap parking sign):Brody: hey mom look that guy is going pottyMom: (laughing so hard I can't speak)

On the way to music class:Kenley says: It doesn't matter that you get something out of the treasure box. It only matters that you have fun.

Just hangin' out:Brody: Hey mom I do know one thing.Mom: What's that Brod?Brody: A car is a vedical (vehical)

Blue and Gold Banquet

Brock had his Blue and Gold Banquet on Saturday. It was a Chinesse theme and we all ate dinner with chopsticks. We also played fun games with chopsticks and M&Ms. It was quite amusing to watch the kids use their chopsticks.

Brock did quite well, too bad I didn't get a picture of him!

A big piece of broccoli and chopsticks don't really go that well together, but Kenley did a great job (with the help of her hand).

Brody preffered to play with the chopsticks than to eat with them.

And little Embry girl just didn't know what to think about the whole thing.