Thursday, April 2, 2009

That didn't make me very happy...


Belongs here

Not Here


In the middle of the night I felt a sharp pain on my right finger, I moved and then felt another one on my left forearm and then again on my left bicep. What the crap was that? I jumped out of bed screaming, "Dustin something bit me or stung me, ouch it hurts really bad!" He lifted up my pillow and it was a scorpion, I wanted to die!

Let me just tell you, that pain is not as bad, but could be compared to labor and I've done that without medication. And it doesn't go away for a really long time. We called my OB just to make sure the baby was okay and he said, the baby will be fine, there's not much you can do.

The next day I was not able to see well, my eyes were shifting back and forth and I couldn't focus. My entire body was tingling, like when your foot falls asleep and is trying to wake back up. I laid on the couch all day long, thank you Dustin for taking care of everything. Today the tingling is gone but I have no feeling in my right finger, where I was stung first. It feels really weird to type.

My most favorite place in my house, is now the scariest place and I wait until Dustin searches all the covers and all the pillows before I even think about getting in.

Time to move???


Kristen said...

3 TIMES!! That is crazy. Glad you are ok. I got bit once too and it does make you feel so weird. I can't imagine 3 times though. And being pregnant....

Jenn said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I think I would pass out from the sheer horror. I can't believe it was IN YOUR BED! That is horrifying. Glad you're okay, but you need to get some heavy duty pest control in there!

the bates motel said...

how freakin scary! 3 times that is CRAZY! hello how often can that happen! hope your feeling better. i would be SO scared to go to bed ever again! i saw a spider right below my bed one time and i still always feel like he's coming back to haunt me! i'm a freak though! and embry looks so sweet in her big girl bed!

heather said...

ok, when corry told me about this I thought it was an april fool's day joke. ouch! and scary!! i think i'd be on the couch or bunk out in one of the kid's rooms for awhile. i hope your body gets back to normal soon.

Kelly said...

Travis told me about this TODAY!! SCARY, and yes you should move next to me now! HA.. I am so glad you are okay! And stop saying we need to get together. we just need to plan it!!!! Cause we miss you guys. And we do need to do something soon.

Heidi said...

Holy crap...that is the scariest thing ever! And to be pregnant on top of it. I can't even imagine how that must have been. I think I will stop complaining about having the flu while pregnant.

Lorri said...

I would DIE.


You are only one street over. It's time for me to get a realitor.

kellyjbrown said...

AAAHHHH!!! I've had this happen to me and you are right about the pain, it feels like you are ON FIRE! So sorry, you poor thing! Loved all your latest posts, that's amazing you ran into your dad's friend, so touching! Can't wait to do a lunch date again!

Kari said...

I would absolutely FREAK out! I'm sorry you had the dizzies and hope that you are feeling better soon. So glad all is well with the baby! You are looking so great. Wish I could look that good prego! Your family is darling!